Sunday, October 12, 2008

10th jump



This is so friking fantastic...
Passed my AFF

It's been almost 1 month since my last jump... now back to Texel

Kicked out from the plane...

Tumbling down, rolling, looping, head down, looping, feet up, back to earth, another random loop keep on tumbling down.... It feels sooooooo goooood...
Am I in paradise?
I want to be like this forever...
Jumping out of perfectly working airplane supposes to be scary, but this is pure fun... Hey I didn't feel the adrenaline kick, just pure fun let it all go...

Am I falling? Am I flying? I don't know.. it's just pure fun...
Is this paradise???

Alti check, no I'm falling from 13500 feet... It's 9500 feet already,
OK backloop (not prefect but OK), oh yah I have to set my headin, 360 degree rotation, tracking...

Perfect... Rutger, greatest skydiving instructor...comes in front of
me... Handshake in the sky, congrat, you're a skydiver...

This is FANTASTIC ... it's TERRIFIC...

7000 6000 5000 feet wave off... 4500 pull....arch again...

I see that big red pack of unfolding canopy... 1001 1002 1003 Looks good... Square, I'm going strait....
No twist, end cells fully expanded, slider down.

Where are the others, I see Frans, I see Engle, I see Rutger... They
all far away from me :) I'm safe .. Just enjoy the smooth ride back to
DZ, let me flare... silent... Release ... oooooh nice...

Woah I still can't believe it...
That total relaxed let it all go tumble down... It feels soooooooooo divine...

Hmmm...Lot's of clouds everywhere... But I see Frans, Engle, Rutger
spread far away.... Hmmmm, okah, I have no option, gotta enter that
big white cloud...

Wow may be I am in paradise.... It's total pitch white I can't see a
thing. It's whiter than white... Wow this cloud is big... Neverending
white... Scarily beautiful... Canopy fly is not a big deal after a free
fall, but this is surreally beautiful., well of course, if somebody
appears in front of me, the chance to go to paradise or hell will
immediately sky rocket exponentially, but I know that there should be
nobody in my own private cloud... Every body is far away from me...
Thanks God the sky is big.

I out that cloud, ok, I see the airport, the motorcross track... The wind
is just perfect...

Woah, what a jump... I'm screaming in the sky...

I'm still in 2000 feet... Can still have a little bit of fun... This
is fantastic...

1000 feet.. Preparing to go to 800 feet point... Wow I still can't believe the divine free fall...

800 feet... Going above the motorcross track... Wow this is the first
time I actually see crossers on the track... Must be careful, I don't want
to be run over by a motorscross...

300 feet, ok go strait... This is going to be a perfect landing....

10 feet. Ok start to flare a bit... keeping legs together... Perfect landing...

Now my problem is how I gonna wash this smile from my face?!? I will
going to smile for the rest of the day after a jump like this...

OK now I just need to put a sign and I'm member of KNVvL :)



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